Online and In-Person Training
Below is a listing of training topics provided by the UCLA Prevention Center of Excellence to the LA County workforce. These trainings are customized to meet the needs of the participating county agency and support our mission of creating trauma informed systems and environments.
Enhanced Trauma and Resilience Informed Intake
A focused look at promoting family engagement and collaboration with other professionals who support youth. Participants will learn strategies to empower youth through trauma and resilience informed interviewing and permanency planning.
Emotional Care Plan During Trying Times
A focused look at nourishing physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and professional wellbeing. Participants will have the opportunity to openly discuss the importance of self-compassion and human connection so we may continue to overcome adversity together as a community.
Empowering Telehealth Providers Working with Families
A guided discussion about facilitating remote connection with families. Participants will explore barriers to remote service delivery, strategies for overcoming uncertainty about the format, and best practices to support families’ emotional wellbeing.
Helping Youth Manage Stress and Anxiety During Stressful Times
An exploration of practical tips to help youth manage difficult feelings and learn strategies that support resilience and wellbeing. Participants will build awareness around the early warning signs of anxiety.
Recognizing and Challenging Implicit Bias
A foundational overview of implicit bias, ways to identify and mitigate unintended effects of biases in the self, and understand how bias can lead to racism. Participants will learn tools to challenge racism and biases.
Keeping Students Safe: An Overview of Non-Suicidal Self-Injurious Behaviors
An introduction to Non-Suicidal Self-Injury (NSSI) that dispels myths and explores information on risk factors. Participants will learn skills to identify and appropriately respond to students engaging in NSSI.
Maintaining Professional Wellbeing
A look at the ways working with individuals who have experienced trauma can affect our professional wellbeing. Participants will explore the impact of secondary traumatic stress on organizations and learn strategies to enhance both personal and professional wellbeing.
Managing Role Conflicts
An exploration of managing stress and expectations around competing demands and responsibilities as well as best practices for managing conflicts. Participants will have an opportunity for connection and reflection about their individual experiences.
Mindful Self-Compassion
An introduction to mindful self-compassion as a research-based tool for reducing stress, building resilience, and enhancing wellbeing. Participants will have opportunities for connection and reflection about current experiences.
Promoting Wellbeing
A professional wellbeing series featuring five training modules exploring practical self-care skills that promote health, coping, resilience, and wellbeing. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in five different modules: mindful self-compassion, emotional care planning, managing role conflicts, self-awareness, and emotional intelligence. Customized training is available and agencies can select 2 to 3 modules to create a training series.
Protective Factors/Strengthening Protective Factors: A Path Towards Resilience
A foundational review of the Protective Factors Framework and its relationship to resilience. Participants will learn strategies to assess and strengthen protective factors for the individuals with whom they work.
Psychological First Aid
An introduction to Psychological First Aid (PFA) that provides a framework for understanding stress reactions, exploring practical skills to provide emotional support, and addressing when to refer individuals to additional support. Participants will learn stress management and self-care skills to support their professional wellbeing.
Trauma Sensitive Communication and Building Resilience
An overview of stress and trauma and their potential impacts on interpersonal communication. Participants will learn and practice a strategic approach to engaging in trauma sensitive communication.
Social Connections with Older Adults
A guide to forming and building social connections remotely with older adults. This training is designed to create a space for providers to gather resources and information that can help older adults connect with their support systems. Participants will also connect and share best practices to support older adults.
Trauma and Resilience Informed Care Foundations
An introduction to trauma’s impact on human development and social relationships. Participants will learn strategies for building resilience, reducing stress, and prioritizing wellbeing. Participants will also practice strategies to enhance their capacity for trauma and resilience informed care in themselves and their organizations.
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